Monthly content ideas The Content Consultancy

12 months of content…sorted

I know it can be so difficult to keep coming up with content ideas. To make life a little easier, I have set out 5 steps below that can help you get off to a good start in 2021…and beyond!

Let’s not delay…

Step 1 – Assess last year’s content

The best place to start looking for ideas is to do a quick assessment of the content you published yesterday. Most social media platforms will give you plenty of statistics and even show you which were your most popular posts. Note down good ideas and those that got good reach or engagement. Look at which hashtags did well too, as well as which national days or events that you got ‘involved with’ and whether you want to do that again this year.

If you have time, also make a note of how many followers you had last year and how many you have now – hopefully, you will have seen growth. We all know that a small proportion of people see each post anyway, plus you have new followers, so do not be afraid to reuse and repurpose posts too. Make a note of these! What useful information have you not shared for a while that new followers might need to know?

Also assess all of your other content, such as videos, emails, website content and blogs. Again, can you repurpose any of this and do they inspire any ‘follow up’ ideas.

Step 2 – Do a brainstorm

Keeping the notes and ideas you have gathered using step 1 nearby, now get in a strong, positive mindset, put on some inspiring music and start brainstorming everything that is brilliant about your business! Consider you plans and dreams for the coming year.

Think about all of your services and products. Think about other business’ content that you like and admire. Think big. Aim high. There is no time, money or skill limitation here. Just write…write…write…! Put down as many ideas as you can.

Step 3 – Identify 12 topics

Considering both your step 1 notes and step 2 brainstrom, now choose 12 ‘topic areas’ that you are going to focus on. Once chosen, you will assign one topic per month (to cover the year). You may only want to assign topics to the first couple of months or quarter, at this stage, but make sure you keep the rest some place safe!

You will probably notice themes and ideas that group together well. Some months and topics may be dictated by something external like an anniversary, national holiday/event or international day.

Step 4 – Pick 2-3 macro items for each topic

Now you want to start ‘fleshing out’ what content you are going to produce for each topic (i.e. each month). As with assiging the topics, you may only want to do a couple of months at a time, in advance.

Your primary focus should be on what I call ‘macro content’ (also called cornerstone content). This is content that takes you more time and input! It includes pre-recorded videos, blogs, new webpages and emails….but it also has the most value for your followers and should work the hardest for getting your leads and enquiries.

Using your topic for inspiration, decide upon what the macro content will be about. Whilst feeling inspired write as much detail down as possible Remember to consider what the purpose of the content will be. What do you want it to achieve?

Step 5 – Plan your social media posts using your macro content and ‘purposes’

Now you have decided the coverage of your macro content you automatically have at least 3 social media posts for each item – you will want to advertise that it is ‘coming’, at least once, you will want to advertise it on the day of publication and you will want to remind people of its recent publication, at least once.

The rest of your social media posts for the month should also be guided by the topic area – you can research blogs, articles and other interesting content written by others on the topic area that you can share. You can look back at past macro content, like your own blogs, where you may have referred too (or covered) the topic before and share these.

I also focus on having a different purpose for my posts* each day. So, for example, in one week I may plot to have one post that encourages engagement, i.e. reactions; one post that sells (a clear message about what I have to offer); one post that boosts my credibility (share a testimonial or good news about my business); one post that helps my followers get to know me (a personal update or news) and one post that encourages comment (asking a specific question or for feedback).

You can also let the days of the week help to dictate what you post and use your topic to help guide the actual content – see my blog post here to help.

*I use the word ‘post’ very loosely here. Depending on your strategy, this may apply to not only posts, but stories, reels, lives, etc. as relevant to the social media platform you use.

For lots of ideas on varieties of post based on the purpose and what you want your audience to do, join my mailing list – sign up using the form below or visit here.

Making your content creation as easy as possible

I’m all about not overthinking your content – you could do lots of different things – but for most businesses it is about being consistent and visible, so don’t spend too long on your topics – as long as you have macro content that you can develop and lots of prompts for social media posts then you are winning the battle.

If you want help to come up with your topics and get lots of ideas for content throughout 2021, then book a Power Hour with me for just £65 – email

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