Writing a diary blog post
There are lots of things to consider when you are writing a blog. Alongside regularity, categories and style, you also need to think about types of blog posts you will include.
You may decide to stick to just one type; you may pick a few, or you may mix it up and use lots! Whatever you decide, today I am going to talk about a blog type which I actually use very rarely for my own blog – a diary post.
A traditional blog post type
For many, when I mention blogging (for those outside of small business, in particular), they think of blogging as a ‘digital diary’. They imagine gap year students chronicling their adventures or marvellous mums sharing some of their daily experiences (and perhaps the odd complaint or two!). Therefore, in many ways, I do think of a diary type post as one of the more original and traditional types of blog. It is probably where it all started. However, that doesn’t mean it is not a worthy type, or that it is not a powerful business tool, as part of your ‘blog arsenal’.
When to use a diary post
The best time to use a diary post is when something exciting has happened on a particular day, or perhaps over recent days. The common things that spring to mind for small businesses include:
- workshops
- training sessions
- trips or travel
- events
- conferences
- product launches
- parties/anniversaries.
People are essentially nosy and if you have been some where exciting or done something new or different, writing a blog post about it, in a diary style, can be a quick win when it comes to producing content that is engaging and fun, as well as informative.
How to write a good diary post
Before the ‘event’
If you can, think about your blog post before even attending the event or occasion you are are going to report upon.
- Are there details it would be good to collect that you can share in the post, i.e. statistics or facts, including number of attendees, other business names, etc?
- When and how are you going to take photos or videos to accompany the post? How will you remember?
- Have you allowed time in your own calendar to write up your experience as close to the end of the event as possible?
At the ‘event’
At the event, pick up a programme or summary if there is anything like that which you can use to help write your post.
Take something you can make notes with throughout the day so that you can easily go back to these to remember prevalent and interesting points to share.
Genuinely, don’t forget to take photos. It may seem obvious but within a busy day it is easy to forget. However, a diary post is much better if there are visual images to accompany it. It really gives the reader a better feel for what the event was like. However, do also be mindful of avoiding sharing photos of people’s faces (and especially children) if you don’t have consent.
After the ‘event’
After the event, (as soon as possible) start drafting content for the post. Firstly, consider the key point you want to make. It is ‘newsworthy’ that you have attended an event, but beyond actually being in attendance what do you want to share:
- Can you share at least three or more things that are important to your readers and potential clients?
- Did you learn something new?
- Did you meet someone famous or inspirational?
- Did you come away with a new hint, tip or piece of advice to share?
- Did you get some feedback on your own business, product or service?
Writing up the diary blog post
When writing up the post, you don’t have to stick to a very linear format. Although it is a diary, it doesn’t have to be chronological necessarily, unless this helps with your purpose or goal for the post. You could pick out ‘your highlights from the day’, ‘your 5 favourite moments’ or ‘top things you learnt’, for example.
You may also find you have loads to say and share, (especially if it is was a big workshop or a conference over two or three days). Therefore, you may consider how you can write about it in two or three blogs. For example, the first might be a summary of the event, including why you attended and what you experienced. The second might be an explanation of something in particular that happened or a report on a specific activity, such as a keynote speech. Remember to share your thoughts and reactions, not just what was said. Finally, you could write about networking opportunities or people you met and how they will influence your business, or something funny that happened even.
Diary posts can also be really good for regular events you attend, particularly annual conferences or big networking events as you can link to ‘last year’s post’, make comparisons and discuss how your business had changed.
Not just for big events
If you don’t attend conferences, workshops or grand events, don’t worry!
You can consider writing about a smaller networking event or an important client meeting, if you feel comfortable doing so and it is appropriate. You could even write about your ‘first day’ or a ‘break through’ day when something major happened in your mind set which affected your business. If you are happy to speak more personally, perhaps consider writing about a family event, which influenced your business. As with all posts though, consider your goal and your purpose.
Quick win blog types
I think diary type posts can often be great quick wins for content. They are so nice to write as you are writing from your own experience. There is often little in-depth research needed! You were there!
You can share your feelings, thoughts and reactions about an event or special day, and through a blog post, it is a wonderful way to record it. Moreover, it is also a great opportunity to evaluate your experience, especially a workshop or training as you when you have to ‘write up’ what you did it highlights what you have learnt and what key things have stuck with you.
Diary blogs posts are also a lovely way to illustrate to your readers your continuing professional development, your experiences ‘outside the office’ and, simply, what you have been up to.
Keen to start blogging….
Perhaps a diary type post is just the once to kick off your blog.
If you are keen to blog, but feel unsure as to where to start, then please get in touch. I offer a free, no obligation chat to discuss how blogging could help your content strategy and run one-to-one ‘Blog Starter’ trainings for just £95. Email kate@thecontentconsultancy.com to find out more.