Reward your mailing list subscribers
25th May came and went and thankfully now even though the GDPR regulations are now in force, we are all still alive amongst the heartache and pain of putting together new privacy policies and checking our email lists! For many, I know that the number of email addresses on the distribution list is now sadly a lot smaller than before. But don’t despair!
A good cull or segmentation of a contact list is never a bad thing…in fact, it can be a much better approach. Now you don’t have to be all things to all people. Hopefully, that precious distribution list is now made up of people that really want to receive your information, that are keen to see how your company grows and (if you are driven by stats) should see your open and click rate percentages improve astronomically!
Increased interest
The nice thing about all of those on your list having truly ‘opted-in’ is that they have shown they are interested and you are likely to now see increased interest in your email marketing campaigns. You will see more people are actually opening your emails and, importantly, you should see more engagement, which may well lead to a rise in enquiries and increased sales.
Treat your loyal subscribers
So I say, I think now is an important time to capitalise on your captive audience. Give your email subscribers something to get excited about! Make them feel extra special and give them a little ‘thank you’ too.
Therefore, I have come up with seven newsletter features to help your loyal subscribers are rewarded:
1. A great offer
Make it obvious, make it GDPR-inspired and thank your lovely list of contacts for choosing to continue to receive your emails. You could offer a percentage discount on certain items, a free gift when a certain amount is spent or a straight ‘money off’ on presentation of the email (or a special code).
You could even hold a sale just for subscribers – advertising it only in your newsletter.
2. Amazing guest blog
Have you got an interview or special article that you have been meaning to write up? Do it now! Is there a local celebrity or interesting person who links well with your business? Ask them to do a short guest interview or testimonial, if they are a client. Then share excerpts in your newsletter before your publish it. Give them the exclusive! Then, don’t forget to give them the link (directing readers back to your blog on your website) to access on the publication date.
3. Exclusive new product news
Can you launch a new product – giving your newsletter subscribers a first look and perhaps an ‘introductory price’ just for them.
If you don’t have anything new to launch, consider an old service or product but give it a special GDPR spin offering a price cut just for subscribers or a free gift with a purchase of a particular item
4. A party
Getting extravagant, do you have a shop or venue that you could use for an exclusive subscriber’s party or event? An invitation only event (via your newsletter, of course) will make subscribers feel extra special and could be a good excuse for a launch or to raise some money for charity, whilst also sharing more about your business and its products or services.
5. Competition
Could you run a competition? Rather than just a ‘like and share’ type thing on Facebook, run something through your newsletter asking people to answer a question, pick a name, complete a crossword or even do a quiz – be inventive!
You have a loyal audience now, so invite them to engage and get involved. And make sure you shout about the wonderful prize on offer.
6. Invite a friend incentive
If you are worried about the size of your mailing list, perhaps you could do some kind of ‘suggest to a friend’ incentive. If a friend then signs up to the mailing list, and states who they were recommended your newsletter by, you could offer them a small discount each or a special gift each.
Be careful how you go about this though, stay in line with the new GDPR regulations…but it is still completely feasible – friends just have to sign up of their own free will (and opt-in to receiving future content themselves, of course).
7. Top secret news
Finally, as I have said a few times, it is all about ‘exclusivity’ and making your subscribers feel special, so do you have some exciting, but secret news – if so, share it via your newsletter first this time, well before you put it on Facebook or your website or other social media channels. It’s all about ensuring your subscribers are seeing the benefits of receiving your newsletter and not just content that is already widely available.
Then advertise…!
Finally, don’t forget to share and advertise some small ‘sneak peeks’ of your latest edition of your newsletter – at the very least tell people you have one – in order to gather new subscribers – who will all be perfectly GDPR compliant with your new sign up forms and policies in place! Mention it on social media and on your website, as well as in your email signature.
If you are interested in writing a newsletter, now is a great time to start. Contact me for more information: 07736942348 or kate@thecontentconsultancy.com