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3 Ways To Get Your Blog Noticed

It breaks my heart when I hear about the amount of people that are blogging but I don’t know anything about it. I speak to small business owners and I hear about how they have been blogging for months, but even though I follow their social media accounts and subscribe to their email marketing…I still don’t know about the posts. The only clue is a ‘blog’ entry on their website’s main navigation menu …and sometimes it is even hidden in a sub menu!

But stop! What’s the point of writing a blog if no one knows about it?? There are lots of ways to get more visitors to your blog posts and your website. And there are lots of advantages of doing so too. Get your blog noticed…and reap the benefits from creating these sales leads.

Here are three ways to advertise your blog, your latest post and historical posts … yes,don’t forget to shout about them all!

Social media posts

Your social media platforms should regularly advertise that you write a blog. Every time you publish a new one you should publish a post about it. Your ‘about’ section or ‘profile’ should link to it. You should share old posts, particularly when something relevant is raised in the media, on a linked ‘national day’ or ‘event’ and when something is trending that you may have mentioned in a blog. Blogs are ‘evergreen’ content meaning they have a lot more durability than a lot of content (blogs even three years old are still seen as relevant by many people) – so do not be afraid to go back through your ‘archive’ of posts and get sharing and shouting about your content.

Remember also to advertise your blog posts in different ways on different social media platforms making sure they are most relevant to your audiences there. Most website hosts/designers will allow automatic sharing to many social media accounts on the publication of a new blog, but consider whether that will work best for your different audiences and to the time they engage most with a particular platform.

Furthermore, none of the social media platforms like you linking away from their sites (Facebook, in particular) so, do consider clever ways to get around this like including a link to your blog post in the comments, so that the post doesn’t get penalised for this.

Remember also that your post can focus on something else (a product or service, for example) and then mention a relevant blog post (or your blog generally), or a post can focus entirely on your blog or a certain post.

Your mailing list

The next time you are planning an email to your mailing list, remember your latest blog post! Whether you send out a regular newsletter or simple marketing emails sharing latest offers and news, don’t forget to tell your subscribers about one of the most important elements of marketing you have created – your blog post! Once again, telling them about a blog post does not have to be limited to just your most recent post. If you have written a post which is relevant in any way to something very current, on trend or related to something else in your email then share it! It is another great way to drive people from the email to your website. …and, hopefully, whilst they are there they will stay and look around.

You can include a short excerpt from the blog in the email and encourage readers to ‘read more’ by clicking on a hyperlink to take them to the post or you can just include a link.

At the very least, encourage any of your email subscribers to subscribe to your blog too!

To be honest, if you subscribers are loyal and interested in your business then you could simply send them an email to let them know when there is a new post for them to read – without any extra marketing spiel. If you don’t tell them about it, they might not know it is there!

Republish on other platforms

Just because you publish a blog post on your own website doesn’t mean you can’t copy and paste the content on to other sites. Facebook has a ‘Notes’ section for longer article style posts, and LinkedIn has ‘articles’. There is no reason why you can’t included your blog content here too. There is also a specific ‘blog-based’ platform called ‘Medium’ where again you can re-post your blog articles to get wider coverage.

Finally, there are also blogger sites which encourage other bloggers to come together to blog on a similar subject or from a similar location. Again, there is no reason why you can’t reuse your own blog posts on these sites.

With all of these options, you can often include a link to your own website – so it is great for growing your backlinks too, from trustworthy locations.

Finally, don’t forget to offer to guest blog too and remember to promote your blog within the post too! If people like one post written by you, then they are likely to want to explore more of your posts….so make it easy for them to find you!

Let’s drive traffic to your website

Getting your blog posts noticed by more people is the best way to get them to not only to read the actual post but to drive people to your website. The longer they are there the more chance they have to browse everything your wonderful business has to offer.
I always say a good website is like a great shop window – things catch your eye, things are arranged neatly and the items draw you in to explore more…and hopefully…buy! It is also great for search engine optimisation (SEO) the longer a visitor to your site stays on it.

Don’t just write your blog post and leave it on your site to gather virtual dust! Remember ‘COPE’ – create once…promote everywhere. Therefore, make sure you weave in marketing your blog in lots of ways and think it of like an extra service you offer. After all, it no doubt contains lots of useful information that your clients will want to read.

If you are interested in learning more about blogging and ways to grow your blog, contact me about my blog starter package on

No Comments

  1. Sue Lucas on April 26, 2019 at 6:02 pm

    This was a great article, and it gave me some new ideas! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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