Hands holding a plant to represent growing in confidence

How to grow content confidence

“I don’t know what I’m doing!”

…do you feel like this when you are trying to market your small business? If so, it can be really demoralising and demotivating…and I want the opposite for you. I want you to grow content confidence and know EXACTLY what you are doing and why!

Read on for 5 recommended ways to grow content confidence and how to start making your content work hard for your business.

5 ways to grow content confidence

Stop and analyse

This may surprise you as my first tip, but so many small business owners get stuck on what I call ‘the content treadmill’. You just create more and more without ever thinking about the why or about what is actually working (and what isn’t).

I think part of the reason for this is because we are scared about what it might reveal if we do look a bit closer. All of those posts you’ve created…that website you invested heavily in…what if it was all a waste of time?

Does that resonate?

Firstly, please remember that no content is ever a waste. It can always be repurposed and reused. However, if you never stop and analyse what you are doing and what actually works for your busines, in terms of visibility, engagement, leads and sales, then you could be doing all of the wrong things.

Confidence grows in your content when you know that what you are doing is effective. So, take the time to work that out.

Test and measure

As well as analysing things you have done in the past, try ‘testing things’ and measuring if they work better. Change just one variable – just one small thing. For example, compare a post with the same caption, but a different image, time of day, or hashtag set. Be scientific.

Taking this approach can really help your confidence because it’s no longer about every piece of content being successful. It’s about honing your skills and experimenting in order to get better.

Get training

If you are struggling to create content or if you don’t feel confident using your chosen platforms, then this can really affect your confidence. Every time you go to post or create something, it can feel like you have to overcome hurdles or figure out some complex puzzle.

If this is the case, then I highly recommend that you invest in some good training. And, make sure by the end of it you feel confident in all of the areas you need to know about. If you don’t, ask more questions. And if you need to, go back and ask for more help.

Try new things

It is common to stick with what we know because that feels safe. But perhaps the content you are creating or even the platforms you are posting aren’t the rights ones for you and that’s why you aren’t getting the results you want. This again can dent your confidence.

Do some research in to your audience and your market, and see if there is another approach you could use. This could mean switching social media platforms or starting a new marketing activity, like a blog or podcast. You may actually prefer creating content in this way and it can help other activities too.

Learn more about interconnected content marketing.>>>

Be brave

My last recommendation is about taking the leap. Don’t over think it any longer.

If you are not creating much content at all because you are worried or anxious about the reception then this is your sign to go for it…!

All of your thoughts about how people may judge what you put out, I bet, are unfounded. In fact, in my experience, people are really impressed by us small business owners. The way we show up…the way we put ourselves out there…and keep going because of the business we care about.

There are trolls but they are nowhere near as prolific as your own negative self-talk or limiting beliefs! So, let’s treat them all the same way…ignore! And, be brave.

Ready to create more content?

If you want to share your concerns or want some help to give you more confidence in the content you create (and to be more consistent), then please get in touch.

I love talking to business owners about what they would love to achieve…and helping them get there.

Let’s chat – Book a discovery call today.

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